
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie,

(22 months since you crossed the rainbow bridge)

I had the surgery I was telling you about. According to the Doctors and my parents the surgery lasted 12 hours. Yes 12 hours. I'm still recovering. It's uncomfortable to walk because the plastic surgeon cut me from hip to hip. 

Anyways, yesterday October 27 was the day pets that have passed away were able to come back for a while. It's like day of the dead but for pets. I wonder if you came to see us. I would like to think you did come to see me because be morning of October 27 I had a hair on my chest. Kinda looked like yours but at the same time it looked like an eyelash. 

I miss you so much words can't even discribe. I hope if you descide to reencarnate one day, you come and find me. <3


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