
Things I have NEVER done during the Winter

As I was looking at the snowfall yesterday (it already melted). I realized you know what I haven’t done in all my years of existing. I’ve NEVER built a snowman. I know! Shocker right? It’s like a very common thing for people to do when I snows.

I always see them too in Christmas movies too and I’ve always wondered what it was like building one. I’ve never even attempted to make one so I wouldn’t even know how to start. Like how do they get the snow to be round? do you just pile on a bunch of snow and mold around it? Or do you start with a snowball and just keep adding snow until it gets to a huge ball.

Another thing I’ve never done in the winter is a snow angel. I’ve seen people do them in movies, but I never felt the want to do a snow angel because I think I’d probably get sick. Like your body is warm and then you throw yourself in the cold snow and your clothes get wet. I would like to know how it feels though. I bet it’s kinda fun. Well, I assume it’s probably fun because the people in the movies make it seem like it’s loads of fun.

What about you? What are some things you’ve never done in the winter? I’d love to hear what you have to say


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