
Reacting to Love Advice I gave 3 years ago

Hey guys! Welcome *aggressively claps* back to my blog (owww that made my hands hurt lol).

So... ummm... yeah... crushes huh...
that one cute guy on instagram who makes your heart literally beat 100x faster (this is my life right now lmao *cries*) or if you're a guy (or lesbian) that one cute girl who has the prettiest eyes you've ever seen and her smile can literally light up a whole room.

Having a crush sometimes leaves us all left wondering that same question... "WHY DOESN'T MY CRUSH LIKE ME?"  I wrote a post about this very topic a while ago. That according to my popular posts widget on my blog; this post has been popular for a while now and I thought it would be fun to re read it and react to it with you guys.

So if you haven't read that post and want to do so before reading my reaction (click here).

In that blog post I mentioned I was 24 and how I had a bunch of crushes growing up (I blame the teenage hormones lol).
In that blog post I went on to give examples of three crushes I had. One of those being when I was in 7/8 grade and the other two when I was in high school.

During my 7/8th grade crush I thought that I had to change who I was so guys could like me. Boy was I wrong there hahaha. Like I said you don't have to change yourself so guy can like you.

When I entered high school that's when I began thinking maybe the reason why I don't have a boyfriend/why done of my crushes ever liked me was cause I'm ugly. This really had a negative impact on my self esteem (something I'm still trying to work on to this very day).

The first guy I liked was a rocker/emo kinda guy who was in my math class. He would help me in math (cause I sucked... I promise I really did suck at math and I wasn't faking it lol). Anyways, like I said he would help me in math and I would listen to his problems. He would tell me how I was such a good listener. He later told me his deepest darkest secret during math class. He told me he was a cutter. He would go on to explain in great detail how he would cut himself and how he had to wake up in like the middle of the night to wash his sheets cause not even his parents knew he cut.

I was in complete shock but of course I listened to every single world he said cause I knew he just wanted someone to talk to. After a while... I don't know why I started to develop feelings for this guy.
If you guys read the original post that sparked this reaction you know that after that, Bruno (that's what I called him in the post to protect his identity) fell in love with one of my friends (who was emo as well).

Looking back I'm honestly happy that he found someone who was able to make him happy and was able to understand him more. (What I didn't like was how my friend told me that he liked her and not me... that was super rude tbh)

Second crush I had in high school was SOOOO confusing. Whenever I remember what he told me (well told my friend and she told me) I'm always like "WTF?"
In my "why doesn't my crush like me?" Post I mentioned how this guy rejected me cause I was too girly. Yes, you read that right... he literally didn't like me cause he I was too girly... DUDE WHAT THE FUCK! I don't even want to get into this one anymore cause it makes me so mad. To this very day I don't know what he was trying to say with those two words.

Finally here comes the advice I said three years ago.

Despite the ups & downs, it has taken me 24 years to FINALLY understand that you don't need to change in order for someone to like you. Changing yourself in order to make someone else happy (or for them to like you) makes you lose sense of who you really are.

I also learned that guys have different taste in girls and just because one guy doesn't like you doesn't mean the world is over or that you have to change.

If a boy doesn't like you WHO CARES! Repeat after me... who... cares...
There will come a day when someone comes into your life & will love you! I know right now it seems that your world is crashing down because your crush rejected you, but trust me it's not the end of the world and there is absolutely NO reason you should think that there is something wrong with you because someone doesn't like you. The hell with them, you're amazing... you're beautiful & you make the world a better place with just being you

Wow! 24 year old me was such a wise soul. I still agree 100% with what I said. People all have different taste and that's fine.

As hard as you try you can't make people love you. I know it's hard to understand at times. Trust me I've been there. You think to yourself how do I make my crush love me back so you try and change yourself into something you're not. Doesn't work. The only thing that actually does work is just being yourself.

Listen to me... there's absolutely no rush into getting your first boyfriend or girlfriend. There's no rush into getting married. There's no rush into having babies. Repeat after me "There's no rush"
You move at the pace you want.

If there's one thing I want you guys to learn from these two posts is...
have as many crushes as you want but remember you can't force people to love you back.
I know it's a sad reality but it's true.

Wow... ummm yeah that was kinda a sad ending to this post. Don't want to leave you guys like this so...

Knock knock

(ok now you say who's there)

I smell mop

(did you say "I smell mop who")

I hope you guys laughed at the joke cause I'm dying of laughter over here lol. Let me know if you laughed at the joke in the comments below. Or send me your best joke to any of my social medias.


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