
Dear Santa...

Hey everyone this blog post is going to be a letter to Santa. Well, enjoy haha

Dear Santa,
this year for Christmas I want you to FIND ME A MAN PLEASE! lol just kidding I'll give you more realistic wishes.

My actual Christmas list isn't selfish as I'm not asking anything for myself, seeing everyone else happy is enough for me. So instead I'm asking for gifts for others. Here it comes Santa ok be ready...

Even though both of my brothers like to fight with me, I love them both a lot so this year for Christmas I want my little brother to get into his dream university and I want my other brother to get a well paying job in the field he studied in.

For my mom I want her to have everything she could ever wish for. She does so much for our family and she deserves the whole world.

For my dad I want him to continue having a good job and if you can Santa he deserves a raise as well. My dad is such a hard working man. He works really hard so he can bring food to the table for his family. It makes me sad that his bosses haven't given him a raise in a long time and that his work isn't appreciated.

For my grandparents I want them to have good health. They're both really old and I know if they pass away my mom won't be able to handle having her parents being taken away from her. And well I don't want to see my mom sad.

For my other grandparents... even though they both passed away and I didn't get to know one of them. I hope they both are doing good up in heaven and are reunited and happy together. For them I wish they're together and happy and watching over my dad.

For my dog. Ugh she's my absolute best friend and I love her to death. For her I want her to have so much health. She's getting old and every time I think that one day I won't ever see her again and the only thing I'll have of her are pictures and video and her cute sweaters brings me to tears. I don't want her to pass away. Because I don't know how I'd continue living with the pain. OMG I'm gonna stop here because I'm already crying.

Also, Santa... I'd like my family to live in a house by ourselves. Right now we live in an apparent with my aunts and uncles and even though we all live in our own unit we all share a washer and dryer and sometimes the others leave the laundry room a mess and it makes me so mad. They do more things that make me mad as well. Like when it snows they don't go out and shovel the snow, they don't sweep the stairs, they don't clean up after themselves when they barbecue in the yard. And we'll I can go on about things that they do that make me mad, but Im sure youre getting sick and tired of hearing about this.

Thank you so much for reading my Christmas list Santa. Thank you for bringing smiles to every kid in the world.



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