
Tips and Tricks to give the Perfect Present

So you "suck" at giving gifts huh? Yeah don't worry, I used to have this problem too. How did I get good at giving gifts you ask? Well, this is a secret so come closer... closer... *whispers* I listen all year long & make mental notes about what people tell me.
But shhhh don't tell anyone.

Today, I thought I'd show you guys some of my tips & tricks I use to give the perfect present.

Tip #1:
Ok, so if you're shopping with someone who is on your list to buy gifts; just pretend the gift is for yourself/for another person. I've done this multiple times and it works like a charm. I use this strategy as an opopportunity also to ask questions.

For example... 
"Do you think this is cute?"
"I want to get this for myself, what color do you think I should get"
"I want to get this for {blank} do you think they'd like it? you and them have a similar styles."
"I really like this... but I don't know... (then say something that makes you sound unsure about said product... like maybe the color or something) after this ask... what do you think? Do you like it?"

Tip #2:
If you're unsure about the cost of a product that the person you are trying to buy for wants just ask them (or maybe Google it but I always ask when Im not sure lol)... but make the questions not make them suspect you're going to get them that product.

For example...
In my family we are doing secret Santa... and being the BEST (according to myself) gift giver I always like telling people what the other person likes (to save them the trouble). But I had a problem right... so my brother likes buying DLC cards right... they come in various prices and I didn't know which was the most affordable one so during dinner I was like "Who ever is {My brothers name} secret Santa he loves the cards where you can buy games online. And the cards are within the secret Santa price range (we had a price range for the gifts) and then he was like "Yeah" then started listing all the prices and what the cards looked like and I was like "Oh yeah jack pot" 

Tip #3:
If you go shopping out with family make sure to always watch at the things they usually go and look at. Like maybe it's a new shirt... maybe it's a perfume. But
W A R N I N G!!!

Just because they look at a product doesn't mean they like it... look for key words such as "I like this" "oh this is cute" "oh I need this"

If they don't say anything, ask*! Be like "that was nice right?" Or "did you like it" "would you buy that"
*just don't ask too much or it can get annoying or suspicious.

Tip #4:
This tip is like my last resort tip. If you're stuck at what to give someone... Call for back up 
OK OK  I admit sometimes I use this one just to get a second opinion on a gift. Like let's say I got something for my dad and I didn't know he'd like it I would show the gift to my mom. Guys, there isn't no shame in calling for back up when you want to master the art of gift giving. Sometimes even the gretest do so ;) hahaha

Ok, so this pretty much wraps up todays blog post. Or should I say "raps" up today's blog post. DJ drop me a beat. *points to dj who plays a rap version beat of jingle bells* yo yo yo if you liked what you read don't forget to hit that follow social thread to ummm to... oh screw it. I'm outta here yall peace *Mike drop*


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