
How to upload multiple gifs on Twitter

You've probably seen by now people on twitter using multiple gifs in one tweet and I'm here to show you how they do it :).

Well, first of all I'm going to say you did NOT miss an update (so don't worry lol). Secondly, the "gifs" you're seeing people use aren't really gifs. They're called "apngs". 

People on twitter are converting their favorite gifs into apngs and here is how they are doing it:

Step One:

pick your favorite gifs... ok have you done that? let us move on to the next step.

Step Two:

Go to this site to convert your gifs into apngs. {click here to go to site}

Step Three:

When you click on the site your screen should look like this...

click on upload image from your computer and select the gifs you selected...

Step Four:

when you've uploaded your gif onto the site it should look like this... (well, with your gif in the center not mine lol)

 anyways you see that drop down bar in the bottom of the gif?? (where it says file size: 1.5MiB Width 498px, height 280px, frames 29, type gif convert) click on the convert part.

your screen should look like this... next click on the words "to APNG" and click "convert to APNG!"

Step Five:

when you've clicked on "Convert to APNG!" your screen should look like this:

next click on the floppy disk that says the words "save"

your apng should now start downloading and being saved to your images...

Step Six:

After you've successfully saved your first apng now is the time to repeat all these steps to convert your other gifs into apngs.

Note: If you notice it doesn't work (I just noticed this right now... it's probably due to the gif being to big. so resize it. (Click on resize) your screen after you clicked resize should look like this...

instead of the width being 498 I changed it to 400 and the height I changed it to 200...   click on the blue box that says "resize image!" 

after you've clicked on resize image your screen should look like this...

next you can either right click if you're on the computer and click save image as or click on save. 

here's the finished (resized) product looks like :)


Is uploading mulitiple "gifs" to twitter only for people with iphone? 
Nope this isn't a iphone or android only thing. Anyone can do it. You just need to use google chrome or safari on your phone. and do the same steps I showed you. But instead of uploading your images to the twitter app you have to log into twitter from web...

here's my tweet using the same steps I just showed you, but instead of using my computer I used my phone  

How do I know what size I need to resize the apng to?

I usually just have the numbers end in 00 for example if the width is 498 I set it to 400. so if after you convert your gif to apng and it's really big just "swap" off the last two numbers into 00 and it should work. 

Hopefully these steps are clear and they can help you out. If they were helpful to you please share this post so more people can know how to do this :)

If you still don't know how to do it, I am delighted to help out. Just tweet me.  

Please don't forget to follow me on all my social medias. Link to those are on the right hand side bar. 


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