
My teacher almost fought construction workers

Hey everyone! Welcome back to another story time. I am back with another crazy teacher story time. Yes, I have another. This is the story about the time my teacher wanted to fight construction workers 

Ok, so this story takes place when I was in elementary school. So I was really young. I remember it was really hot that day so our teacher thought it would be a good idea to open all the windows in our class so we can get a breeze. 

Boy o boy was that idea sure to go south and fast. My teacher started teaching like normal you know when all of a sudden you hear a jackhammer going at it on some cement. My teacher started talking a bit louder so we could hear her. But just by looking at her face you could tell her patience was running thin. 

She continued speaking loudly until she had enough. She walks over to the window and yells "Hey can you stop I'm trying to teach." Seconds after she said that a man yells back why don't you come down here and make me. You should've seen the look on my teachers face. She was MAD. Then the sudden realization came across her face. She yells "We'll see about that." She closes the windows and we could still hear the jackhammer breaking cement. My teacher gets on the computer and minutes later the noise stopped.

I guess she complained to the principal and they took care of it.

I know this was a short story time but that literally the only thing that happened that day. My little self was so scared and I legit thought my teacher was about to fight some people the way they were yelling at each other. Anyways, that's it for today's story time. Let me know if you want to hear more crazy teacher stories. I have a lot. Or just any story in general :). Make sure to leave a comment about whay you want to see on my blog or you can always tell me what you want on any of my social media. Link to everything is on the right hand side of the blog if you're on desktop. If you're reading on mobile scroll down until you see the welcome. 

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