
Chemotherapy Port FINALLY Removed

So yesterday I got my chemotherapy port removed and I’m going to tell you how it went. 

Ok, so in the morning I called to see if there was any special instructions I needed to follow before the procedure and they told me that I had to shower, but I could NOT put any lotion in my chest area. Next, they told me to eat something lite.

I got to my appointment at 12:40 (my appointment was at 1pm). There wasn’t a lot of people there so after they took my vitals a few minutes later they took me into the room. Here’s what it looked like.

They handed me a gown and told me to change from the waist up with the gown open in the front. Then the Surgeon came in with another Doctor. I had to sign some paperwork and we talked for a bit before starting. Then they had me lay down on the little bed and they turned in a huge bright light. 

They cleaned the site and injected me with some numbing so I wouldn’t feel anything. Then they went to work. I didn’t see nor did I feel any pain. The only thing I felt was was a little tugging when they were pulling out the bigger piece of the port and then pressure they applied when I was bleeding. 

Here’s my chemo port they took out. 

After they took it out they closed me back up and put skin glue on it 

Here’s my cut (they followed the line they did before when they first put it in) 

the thing around the actual cut
is the skin glue 

They told me that the injection that they use to numb the area was only going to last me like 4 hours. So for 4 hours I didn’t feel anything and it was fantastic. But I started to feel a little sting around 5pm and that’s when I decided to take Tylenol. The pain isn’t unbearable it’s just like a small pinch in the chest that comes and goes. So far I don’t feel any huge pain or anything. I’ll update how I’m feeling when more days have passed. :) 


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